View desktop cannot start because of errors on disposable-disk

View desktop cannot start because of errors on disposable-disk

You get this kind of errors when you or View Composer try to start a View desktop

  • Cannot open the disk '/vmfs/volumes/4ef3113c-43bb01db-ad6c-101f74362f0e/VM/VM-v-dm-disposable-327e75b7-c97e-4671-9db2-b761d3de383.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.
  • The file specified is not a virtual disk

This can be caused by operations like recompose, refresh or rebalance. Luckily it´s easy to fix – at least it´s worth the try:

  • get rid of the corrupt disposable-disk
    you can try to remove it by using vmkfstools, but maybe you get an error because this is no virtual disk any more.  So use rm instead.
  • Use this command to place a working copy of a disposable-disk to the working directory
    vmkfstools -i /vmfs/volumes/Datastore/VM/sdd/VM-vdm-disposable-327e75b7-c97e-4671-9db2-0b761d3de383.vmdk /vmfs/volumes/Datastore/VM/VM-vdm-disposable-327e75b7-c97e-4671-9db2-0b761d3de383.vmdk

Just to get sure: text written italic is to replace by your own data!

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