PSP rule for active/standby controller arrays (like Nimble Storage)

First, what does active/standby mean. For this blog post, it means the array hast at least 2 controllers, one presents ALL LUNs to the hosts, the second controller presents NO active LUNs path to the hosts. Just in case of a manual or automatic failover, the second controller takes-over ALL LUN-presentations – and active paths. Examples of such arrays are:
- [very old one] HP MSA 1000
- HPE Nimble Storage
- Dell EMC SC Series Compellent
VMware changed a default setting in ESXi 6.7 that controls the handling of broken storage paths. This Setting is action_OnRetryErrors
and is part of Storage Array Type Plug-In (SATP). In 6.0 and 6.5 default was OFF, since 6.7 default if ON. Put simply: this setting turned on can lead to no device access when controller fails over! More information about the behavior of action_OnRetryErrors
you can found here and here.
When already on 6.7, check running setting using command beneath. When ON, create a rule, to turn it OFF. When a rule already exists without setting action_OnRetryErrors
, delete it and create it like beneath.
Here I will show commands for a Nimble array as example. To find necessary information for your storage see my post here. For a more detailed example of creating PSP rule see my post for 3PAR (an active/active array) here.
In ESXi shell
To show current settings on device, run:
esxcli storage nmp device list
In line Storage Array Type Device Config
you see action_OnRetryErrors=off
or on
Check if an rule exists for the array vendor
esxcli storage nmp satp rule list | grep -i nimble
Run this command in ESXi (console or SSH) to create rule
esxcli storage nmp satp rule add --psp=VMW_PSP_RR --satp=VMW_SATP_ALUA --psp-option='policy=iops;iops=1' --option disable_action_OnRetryErrors --vendor=Nimble --description='HPE Nimble Rule'
Using PowerShell/PowerCLI
Before you can run PowerCLI commands, you need to establish a connection to a vCenter or host by running a Connect-VIServer
command. For all following PowerCLI commands, a ESXCLI-object must be created. To do so, run:
$esxcli = Get-VMHost hostname/IP-address | Get-EsxCli -V2
To show current settings on device, run:
$ | select device, StorageArrayTypeDeviceConfig
You can also see action_OnRetryErrors=off
or on
Run this commands to create rule:
${"satp"="VMW_SATP_ALUA"; "vendor"="Nimble"; "psp"="VMW_PSP_RR"; "description"="HPE Nimble Rule"; "pspoption"="policy=iops;iops=1"; "option"="disable_action_OnRetryErrors"})
Check if an rule exists for the array vendor:
$ | where {$_.vendor -eq "Nimble"}
- Vendor and Model is case sensitive!
- The simplest way to apply and test new rule is to reboot hosts.
can only run against one host.
Thanks for writing this piece. It helped me confirmed we are ready for vSphere 6.7.
You are welcome! Happy upgrading!